Hello everyone.
Yesterday on the 18th of October we talked about giving tasks.
My task was 'I am blind and I need to find my way out'. My questions were:
What is blind?
You cannot see, so how do you feel?
How do you deal with blindness?
How do you find your way out?
What is out?
Through the process and when I needed to do the same task on me I could not help but wonder: How do you separate the real situation which is the fact that you know where you are and the unreal that you need to make it happen as if you do not know where you are. What I tried to do was the fact that each time I was getting into a door, I would move further to make sure that this is the only door. Finally I gave myself a new task which I needed to find the tree that my colleaque found before.
When do you stop? I still do not know. Probably when you feel that there is no where to go?
Or when you feel that it is over, that this is the end.
The second level: Try to maintain the same feeling over and over again as if it is the first time.
Lab time 5, 8 November 2011 (working with Thalia Ditsa)
Lab time 7, 15 November 2011 (further work with Thalia)
Thalia and Afroditi 15 November 2011 from Kinitiras Choreography Lab on Vimeo.
Final sharing December 2011